Aaron and I traveled to Tallahassee on Friday for an awesome wedding weekend!
Rehearsal dinner Friday night at the Cottrell's home
We got to see so many great friends we usually see only during football season!
Aaron and Blair
Laura and Jen! Got to spend more time with Jen... she was here visiting from Japan!
Some of the guys.
We all went out afterwards... cheers to the wedding and to the Noles BIG win!
It was a VERY rainy weekend in Tally. Here we are after breakfast on Saturday morning... got to have a nice visit with Amy and Isabella!
It was so wet and rainy outside, the outdoor wedding was moved into the Cottrell's living room. It was gorgeous!
Some of the girls... and baby Greenlee!! Such a cutie!
The guys are scheming up a NOLES cheer (see video below)
Cottrelling! (Keith was the punter at FSU back in the glory days, as Aaron says)
Baby Greenlee!
Deciding what we are going to do next!
On Sunday when we got home, Aaron had to head to Tampa for work meetings, so Addison and I had a date at Chipotle. She had a fun sleepover weekend with just her and Grammie. Papa was out of town with baseball.